I think for my exact business, it was a massive benefit to be self-taught. I did things the way that worked for me, rather than how things 'should' be done so I wasted no time. Ignorance was bliss! Since then I have done wax casting courses and the basics of jewellery making that have been really useful though, even if it was just to build confidence around a particular technique. I still learn so much about jewellery making everyday from my team who are much more experienced than me at making jewellery and I am constantly in awe of the amazing goldsmiths I see online doing videos of how they make their jewellery.
What is your favourite technique and Wild Fawn product to make?
I don't make much jewellery anymore, only some pieces for new collections but I always used to love making the classic triangle and hammered bar studs from the mismatched earring set. I used to put on an audiobook and make hundreds at a time - it was a kind of productive meditation. I also love working with wax because you can really see the handmade element of it, with all the textures and how each piece is unique which is why people love handmade jewellery!
Why is fair & transparent production so important to you?
In one of my modules at University there was a section on how awful working conditions that exist around the world affect the workers, their home life, religion and mental health and that module really stuck with me. This was before I ever dreamed of making a jewellery brand so when I did, I knew that fair production and a happy working environment would be at the top of the list to try to get right! Wild Fawn jewellery will always be made here in the UK, where I can 100% be certain that everything is made fairly, transparently and happily!
As the business grows, are you becoming more interested in the business side of things or will you always want to make?
Yep, I focus lots more time on growing the brand now, which also really excites me although it's nice that I can dip into making to get my fix when I need it!

What made you want to get into jewellery making?
When I was younger I used to make new jewellery out of my old jewellery, so if I had broken a pair of earrings I would use another pair to combine them to make something new and fresh! Also for my 11th birthday my Nana got me a bead weaving kit which i used to make my friends and family lots bracelets from, I still have it and use it every now and then!
As a maker, you are always learning, what are you most excited to learn in the future?
I'm excited to learn anything and everything jewellery! However, what makes me super excited is learning more stone settings, it would open up so many new design ideas.
What is your favourite technique and Wild Fawn product to make?
I love melting down scrap and making the dot ring one of our new rings. Also our gemstone items are great fun and a bit more technical with the making of the bezel setting.
Is it important to you to work in a transparent way for a sustainable business? If so, why?
I am very proud to work for a sustainable business! It is great to be able to work in a place where you feel like you really are making a difference. It's great to see the team come up with new ways to show our customers and followers what we are doing and how we are trying everyday to do more.

Tell us about your journey into the jewellery industry. I studied Jewellery Design and Metalwork at home in Ireland. After graduating, my class came to London to show our work at New Designers in the Business Design Centre, a leading London graduate design show. We were the only group from a university outside the UK, it was daunting but exciting. After the exhibition my class returned home but I stayed in London, making the most of several friends couches at first. I knew if I was going to pursue a career in the jewellery industry I would have more luck here than in Dublin. More than 4 years ago, when she was still running Wild Fawn from her home, i had the, privilege to join Emma for a few weeks as her first part-time Silversmith, it was a huge step in the right direction for me and after a slight sideways step I rejoined Wild Fawn two years ago (this month!) and poured all my experience and joy into helping Emma grow the business; social media, marketing, PR, graphic design and the website, I did my best with all of it but now that the team is growing I can focus more on my first love, making. I am so lucky to have made it in a very difficult industry and am doing something that I love.
What is your favourite part of making Wild Fawn jewellery?
You! Because I am involved in almost every piece of jewellery from original idea to your jewellery box I love getting your feedback. I mostly work to design and make new collections, spending time researching new design ideas, techniques and experimenting with wax, metal and Computer Aided Design to create new pieces. Seeing which new pieces you love and even which pieces you don't respond so well to, is the most valuable part of my job. Listening to you means you inspire me to make our new collections better and better.
Do you have any advice for people hoping to pursue a career in a creative industry?
I studied something I loved but which I felt would have no career prospects, many well meaning school guidance counsellors told me it was a waste and I should study something 'worthwhile'. Years ago doing internships and having connections was the only way to break into the industry, but just like Emma, more and more makers are going it alone and growing their hobby into a career all by themselves.
Passion and enthusiasm is so much more valuable than formal experience these days. There have never been as many successful independent makers as there are now and there is room in the market for every single one. Don't listen to the naysayers!
We hope you enjoyed getting to know our team a bit better. If you have any questions for them do ask them below!